1918 Born in Marugame city (Kagawa Pref.)
1932 This year he moved to osaka to begin work as an apprentice at a lithograph workshop named Kondo Hanga-sha and became a lithographer.
1941 Becomes ill and retums to Marugame, where he receives instruction in ikebana from his aunt, who had succeeded his matemal grandfather, Sumi Takasaburo, as head of the Sanuki branch of the lkenobo style.
1946 Around this time Nakagawa regularly receives instruction in Rikka from Goto Shuntei of the lkenobo school in Kyoto.
1949 Solo exhibition "Nakagawa Yukio Flower Exhibition" (Marugame city Daimatsuya)
1950 Joins the 'Byakutosha¨ non-school-affiliated ikebana research group led by Shigemori (started on 1949, named in 1950). Nakagawa exhibits in the lkenobo Selected Works Exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum) and the 1st Kagawa Prefectural Ikebana Exhibition (Takamatsu Municipal Museum of Art).
1951 Fails to have work accepted for the 2nd J Japan lkebana Exhibition (sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, 0saka Matsuzakaya). Announces his withdrawal from the lkenobo school and begins activities as an independent ikebana artist. Exhibits in the Shikoku Consolidated lkebana Exhibition (Marugame city Community Center).
1952 With the members of the Byakutosha he participates in the issuing of a "Byakutosha Manifesto" and exhibits works in the 1st Byakutosha Exhibition (0saka Mitsukoshi). Jointly creates set decoration with lmai Minoru for the Akita Ryo butoh production kyoku (1200th year anniversary performance celebrating the inauguration of the Todaiji Great Buddha, Nara). This year he becomes acquainted with the art historian and art critic Mizusawa Sumio.
1954 lnvited participation in the Modern Art Fair (Sponsored by Asahi Shimbun, 0saka Daimaru). Exhibits in the 2nd Byakutosha exhibition "Byakutosha SmalI Works Exhibition" (0saka Daimaru).
1955 Nakagawa Yukio Sakuhin-shu (Works of Nakagawa Yukio) Published at his own expense (500 copies printed). Exhibits two large works in the 3rd and last Byakutosha exhibition "Byakutosha Outdoor Exhibition" (Honmaru Hachijin Garden of the Kishiwada Castle). Visits the print artist Munakata Shiko in Tokyo at the introduction of Mizusawa Sumio.
1956 Moves residence from Marugame to Tokyo. His future wife, the ikebana artist Handa utako also moves to Tokyo from Fukuoka and they take up residence at Ekoda in Nakano Ward. Creates ikebana on the themes of
"glass and water compositions, and glass and wood compositionsl" for the "Awashima Masakichi New Glass Works Exhibition" (Tokyo Daimaru).
1961 Exhibits in the 13th “Yomiuri lndependent Exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum). Holds two-person exhibition "Nakagawa Yukio and Handa utako Creative Objet Exhibition"(Nabisu Gallery).
1968 He has his first solo exhibition in Tokyo "Nakagawa Yukio Exhibition" (Itoh Gallery), showing colored cement works on the theme of "Moon"
1977 Publishes Hana - Nakagawa Yukio Sakuhin-shu( Flowers ‐ Works of Nakagawa Yukio)(Kyuryudo Publishers)
Hana - Nakagawa Yukio Sakuhin-shu Commemorative exhibition held (Kinokuniya Gallery)
1978 Hana - Nakagawa Yukio Sakuhin-shu is selected as one of the winners in the "Worldls Most BeautifuI Books Intemationa1 Contest in Leipzig, Germany."
1981 "First solo exhibition of glass works "Hana Garasu (Flower Glass)- Nakagawa Yukio Exhibition" held (Galerie 412).
1984 In the exhibition "Karaku Hana ni Mizu ‐ Nakagawa Yukio Exhibition" (Jiyugaoka Gallery) The artist shows for the first time works of Japanese paper dyed with flower extract through sea sponge. During the exhibition period Handa utako dies on Oct. 7 at the age of 77.
1989 Publishes Nakagawa Yukio no Hana (Flowers of Nakagawa Yukio)(Kyuryudo Publishers).
1993 Hold "Hana Garasu (Glass Flowe)" exhibition (Gallely Muu) and a book of his glass works Hana Garasu is published at the same time (photographs by Fujimori Takeshi and others).
1996 Creates works with gaimia lilly and susuki grass for "Nakagawa Yukio Exhibition vo1. 1-Part 4" (COMME des GARCONS Aoyama store, Tokyo).
1998 Creates a tea room installation "Mirror of a Mirror in a Mirror" (Hagi uragami Museum, Yamaguchi Pref.). Fifteen Nakagawa photographs are exhibited in the group exhibition "Etre nature" (The Cartier Contemporary Art Foundation) and later acquired for the collection of the Foundationls museum.
1999 Creates a calligraphy work of the characters "Oribe" after winning the Oribe Grand Prix award (at the May 22 awards ceremony, Gifu Pref.). Awarded as a contributor to the arts by Marugame City (attends awards ceremony on Nov. 1).
2000 "Nakagwa Yukio ‐ Contribution Flowers olive" exhibition held for the 20th Homage to Takiguchi Shuzo (co-sponsored by Satani Gallery and Shiseido, The Ginza Art SPace).
2001 Exhibits the 5 meter wide work "Ma no Yama" in "The Facts of Life -
Contemporary Japanese Art" exhibition (Hayward Galleries, London). Exhibits in "The Scent and Shape of lnk: Contemporary lnk Painting of China, JaPan and Korea" (NationaI Museum of Contemporary Art,
2002 Riverside event "Tenkusange (Tulip Pedals Scattering into the Sky of Echigo Tsumari)‐Nakagawa Yukio "Hanagurui" (Flower Crazy) " held on banks of the Shinano River in Tokamachi city, Niigata Pref. (with butoh dancer ono Kazuo, sponsorship: Daichi no Geijutsusai Committee), and display of Nakagawa works at Tokamachi Museum.
Ma no Yama - Nakagawa Yukio Sakuhin-shu (A Flower is Mystic Mountains ‐ Works of Nakagawa Yukio) published (Kyuryudo Publishers). Moved to hometown of Marugame in March. Holds "Yukio Nakagawa Soul Flower: Kirishima Blue bamboo unfold", creates a bamboo installation "IWhat Does the Bamboo Say" (Kirishima Open-Air Museum). Exhibition "Yurinso Nakagawa Yukio Ohara Bijutsukan" (0hara Museum of Art, Yurinso Pavilion), creates works in homage to Munakata Shiko (title characters
also by Nakagawa).
2004 Awarded 20th Higashikawa Prize of Higashikawa-cho Hokkaido and photography exhibition held.
2012 Died in Sakaide city(Kagawa Pref.)at the age of 93