1960年中国上海市生まれ。1990年 武蔵野美術大学大学院造形研究科美術専攻版画コース修了。2008、10年Atelier Rémy Bucciali(フランス)にて銅版画制作。東京、上海、香港、神戸、広島、各地での画廊企画展多数。
Zhou Hao was born in Shanghai, China in 1960 and completed Musashino Art University graduate school in 1990.
"Zhou Hao likes the work which is easy to understand and has a gentle feeling, rather than one contrived. He thinks that discovery is much more significant than invention, and that there is beauty everywhere if somebody will find it. The artist does not produce what is understood but produces something which he will understand. While an artist has a feeling of irritation that he will understand nothing, it is this thought that keeps his mind healthy."