1956年香川県生まれ。多摩美術大学油画専攻。ガラス、木皮など様々な素材での表現を実験。2003年より、手漉き和紙と墨(水墨画の技法)を用い「現象と行為」をテーマにミニマルな表現で制作。また現在、制作において表現素材には拘らない。自己表現が内的必然性から生まれること、自己(我々の文化)と他者(異文化)の比較を重要と考える。アートフェア東京(2008〜2010)Art HK(香港・2010)アート台北2012(台北・2012) Unbound Perspectives Exhibition(ニューヨーク・2012)かがわ・山なみ芸術祭(香川県・2013)など展覧会多数。 Hara Hiroshi was born in Kagawa in 1956 and graduated from Tama University of Arts. After graduation he experimented with various materials such as glass and tree bark. Based on the theme of "phenomenon and act" Hara has created the images through the simplest technique and the least amount of color using Japanese Sumi ink and handmade paper since 2003. He has recently presented oil paintings in addition to his ink drawings. Hara thinks that the self-expression comes out of internal inevitability and it is important to compare oneself (our culture) with others (other culture) .
O.D 1 Oil on Canvas 41×41cm , 2013